Sunday, May 24, 2009

Our Egypt Vacation - Day 4 - Esna Lock

Before reaching Luxor, the cruise has to past through the Esna Lock. This is where the boat went from high side to the lower side of the Nile river.

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The water inside the gate being pumped out to the low side.

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Cruise boat slowly being lowered down.

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Another gate was also available for the cruise boat moving up from Luxor to Esna side where the process was reversed, boat floated up by pumping water inside the gate.

While the boat waited for their turn, it's an opportunity for some trade.

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The guy will qoute some low price, threw their merchandise then increased their price and the haggling started.

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For the kids, it was another day in the pool.

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Sunset with birds - right combination for nature shot.

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